There are some days you believe everything is going to work out. You just get a feeling – it’s like glory and grace and serenity combined. It’s as if all the colours in the world are in your head at once, sparkling. It’s as if every happy thought you’ve ever had settles around your shoulders like a warm hand. It’s as if the universe is rewarding you for keeping the faith. It’s not that you are rewarded with material things. The rewards aren’t things you can hold. They are mostly metaphysical. But they are there and they are real. As real as the things you would call curses rather than rewards, but stronger and longer lasting.

Here are some things that lifted my spirits this week.

Beautiful colours just growing there.

The gorgeous Main Quad at Sydney University. Doesn’t it just make you feel like wanting to learn something?

Waterlilies. Delicate. A song. A poem. A ballet. Fairyland in the city.

The Graffiti Tunnel at the University with the fantabulous Oprah wall. I’ve wonder if she’s going to go and see it now that she’s in Australia?

Duck duck goose.

Local eccentrics at the park.

And finally, as always, two of my greatest loves – Centrepoint Tower and the Anzac Bridge. How would I get by without seeing them on the city skyline?

The good stuff. It’s all around us.

Convincing us that everything is going to be alright.


  1. Well, it’s winter here … and even the television newsreaders and weather forecasters are making their broadcasts looking like they just found bird-poop in their beer …

    Then, there was the madoline-playing busker in the Old George Mall, bringing a touch of sunshine.

    The postman, who brought a long-awaited cheque

    The barista in the coffee bar … ‘I just made a hot chocolate too many. Would you like it?’

    I met someone I used to know; she’s a smart, slim, sophisticated Squadron Leader in the RAF; last time I saw her, she was a shy, awkward, slightly plump 19 year old LAC.

    And, this morning, I dropped my toast, and it landed butter-side-up!


  2. I had a negative week last week, but this week, like you, I can see good things in everything I encounter.

    I love your photos – they make me long to go back to Sydney and also make me long for spring. But I will not wish months of my life away – the ice has a certain appeal!


  3. Hi Selma,
    I think sometimes peoples lives can get too busy to notice the “little” things in life that can bring so much joy. I think your photo’s have captured this very nicely, sit back and take notice of what is around you and enjoy life.


  4. You really love your city don’t you Sel! That’s great. And what a lovely, upbeat post to read. I’ve worried about you the last few days, what a worrier I am eh? I am so glad you haven’t been away tending to problems.

    are you planning to see Oprah while she’s there? they were saying that John Travolta was going to be flying the plane to get there!!!!

    Hugs my dear, G 🙂


  5. Very uplifting Selma and wonderful photos. Your blog reflects the rolling, up and down motion of life – never know what I’m going to get when I click on ‘Selma in the City’ but I do know that what goes down, always goes up again. I do love a good quadrangle – haha – and have visited more than my fair share in my life (having a history Prof for a Dad who would drag me to all sorts of campuses around the place) – I hate it when the sign says ‘keep off the grass’ – such a waste!


    It sure is. Glad to make you happy!

    Sounds like you have a lot of things on the go making you happy. And it is always nice when there is an extra hot chocolate available!

    Hi RELUCS:
    I would like to see some snow. Maybe we should swap. It’s true – there are weeks when everything seems to be caught up in a negative cycle and then suddenly it ends and WHAM the positive vibes are back!

    Hi MAGS:
    I couldn’t agree more. We are all so busy rushing around it becomes hard to notice anything. But it is extra nice when we do!

    I do love most of the parts of Sydney. It is a nice place to live if you don’t let the fact that it is so expensive and competitive get to you. I am sorry if I worried you – you are so kind to think of me. I won’t see Oprah when I’m here – she is not really my cup of tea. Although I wouldn’t mind some of her giveaways!

    Hi RACHEL:
    It is a contrast with the UK, for sure. And you’re having all that snow right now. Hope you get some sunny winter skies soon!

    Yes – I am up and down like a working girl’s petticoat. Much like life. Haha.
    I, too, love a good Quadrangle (sounds like maths porn) but hate the ‘keep off the grass’ signs too. Such a waste!


  7. PS: I feel the same way about Oprah, she can be so tactless at times. I don’t think she’s a great interviewer, I know I’m in the minority with this. I do love the giveaways though….


    I think Oprah in the early years was very good – she covered a lot of important issues; but now Oprah is all about Oprah. It’s too much. I don’t actually think you’re in the minority – most people I know are not great fans. 😯

    Hi LOZ:
    Oh you are so right. There is wonder all around. So great to have you visit!!

    Hi EDDIE:
    I have to keep believing, Eddie. It’s the only thing that gets me out of bed in the mornings!

    Hi MELEAH:
    When I saw the waterlilies I thought of you because there were a few dragonflies hovering around but they are too hard for me to photograph. I know how you love your dragonflies!


  9. ♥♥♥ you! You need to throw in a picture of Snoopy doing his happy dance…. if I knew how to throw in a pic in the comments, I’d totally do it. 😀


  10. the feeling that everything is all right! sometimes i feel everything is all right always, other times i lose my way inside of various issues or problems but when i can sense in any case that the challenge is a passage leading somewhere i must go then indeed everything seems to be all right, however sometimes the challenges are grueling, tho truly the strength/insight gained can be recognized even in the midst of struggle. perseverance is key to appreciation and gratitude
    which can extend over all experience and bring joy into the perspective. beautiful images and inspiring writing selma!


  11. Hi MELEAH:
    ♥ ☼ ☺

    Hi KATE:
    It’s there. Just her head plastered all over a wall at Sydney University. She really is omnipotent 😆

    Hi AINE:
    Oh totally. I don’t know how to do it, either. I love Snoopy and you can’t beat Charlie Brown at Christmas!!!

    Hi TIPOTA:
    Perseverance really is the key because it can pull us out of the darkness. That’s the hard part, isn’t it – remembering that at the edge of the darkness lies the light? Sometimes it seems it is no longer there, but it always is!!

    Hi LAURI:
    Great game. Loved playing it as a kid. I love noticing the little things I’ve overlooked. You just never know what will pop up into your line of vision!


  12. I can’t believe I missed this post somehow!
    Gorgeous pics!
    There is beauty and light and hope all around us. Your pics captured that.
    ( course I’m all about the flower shots you post, being winter here and far too cold for any colour, we get white and green, and dirty snow and green. Your shots are like a breath of spring!)


  13. Hi CATHY:
    I will try and gather as many flower shots as I can for you and do a special post. There are some beautiful gardens around here and even though the weather is quite dry the gardens are flourishing. Stay tuned…


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