Window Cleaners And Cats In Boots

I had a dream last night that I was a window cleaner. I was a sought after window cleaner because I was part superhero and could scale tall buildings without a safety harness, therefore I could keep my prices down because I didn’t need much in the way of equipment nor did I need hefty public liability insurance policies. Because I could never fall.

I was in demand. People were calling me all day to clean their windows. I was in a sweat all the time at the amount of work I had on that not even the endless buckets of soap suds and fluffy brushes could keep away.

So what do I see all day today?

Windows. Everywhere.

These ones made me shake.

And as for these ones….. I think I need to be sedated.

Thank goodness I’m not the window cleaner on any of those buildings. It would tax my superhero powers to the max.

Rather than be a superhero window cleaner I would like to have my name in a heart on a wall. Like Alissa. It’s so romantic.

I saw these boats at Balmain and noticed how they were all facing the one way. While I really like boats I will confess I don’t know much about the rules of the water, but I guess that when you moor your boat it must have to face the same way as all the other boats otherwise it would be mooring chaos. I think the boats rebel at night and swim around in circles.

I posted this photo on Twitter today but it is so hilarious I have to post it again. This is my neighbour’s cat, after a trim. I believe this cat is currently plotting murder. Look at his face. He is hating those ankle boots. Puss in Boots can bite me, is what he is thinking.

The things I see when I’m out and about. Classic.

Have a great weekend, everybody!

48 thoughts on “Window Cleaners And Cats In Boots

  1. People trim cats???!!! OMG, my cats would never speak to me again!

    But as for the tall buildings, I think you needn’t worry about the height. You do have superhero powers, after all. It’s the never-ending work that would be the problem. Popularity as a window washer is so not worth it.


    1. I didn’t know people trimmed cats, either, Patti. It seems unnecessary and a very good way for your cat to hold a grudge against you for life. Haha. I agree – popularity as a window washer is definitely not worth it even though it would probably mean gracing the cover of Window Washer Monthly. The things you give up for a quiet life. LOL. Love your new avatar, by the way. You look great!


    1. I know, Sunburstdrums. I actually feel bad for that cat. He did look annoyed but also uncomfortable. I don’t know why people do the things they do with their animals. I appreciate you stopping by. Nice to meet you.


  2. Hi Selma,
    Just the thought of cleaning those windows would give me nightmares. 😀
    I love the name in the heart, very romantic.
    OMG, that cat is not a happy camper. 😆


  3. I love the image of the boats and have wondered about that myself ~ with the cat you sure don’t have to wonder what’s he’s thinking!


  4. Boats are easy. They’ll be carried downstrem by the current, but held by their moorings. The cat made me think of the oprtician’s TV commercial over here … where the short-sighted sheep-shearer sheared his dog by mistake! The expression on that poor animal’s face …!!


    1. The current! Of course. I was having a bit of a vague moment there. I don’t know why that didn’t occur to me 😳

      I haven’t seen the ad but I know a lot of dogs (and cats) don’t like the super-short haircuts. They get pretty miffed if it happens!


  5. wonderful stuff selma! i have a friend who used to do the same “furstyle” on her longhaired cat. when i first saw the cat trimmed that way, i thought it was sad, he seemed so ashamed by it, but i found out with some cats, its actually a lifesaving thing believe it or not. some longhaired cats, like my friends cat, have a terrible problem with hairballs, this was so bad with my friends cat, the cat almost died because of clogged innards. i know it seems strange but there is a possible method to this madness. otherwise it could be just plain crazy, or because of fleas, but if it was about fleas there would not be any furboots either


    1. I didn’t know that about the hairballs, Tipota, but it makes complete sense. You’ll notice from this cat’s tail that he is normally fairly fluffy so hairballs might be a problem for him too. Maybe at last he has gotten rid of his cough 😉


  6. I’ve had the occasional recurring nightmare of being at the top of a building and not able to get down over the course of my life. Those windows therefore making my palms sweat. Love the boats – they remind me of fish all swimming in the same direction. And, hahaha, agree with you – that cat is PISSED.


    1. I think the tall building thing is a dream many of us experience, Jen. I’ve had the same dream as you many times before but this is the first time I’ve actually cleaned the windows on the building. Don’t know what that means…..
      And yeah, the cat’s pissed alright. LOL.


  7. Gee, I had to laugh about the boats all facing the same direction. Did you never notice that they are pushed this way by wind or current? Poor cat. I would look the same if they trimmed me like that!


    1. You can tell I haven’t spent much time sailing the high seas, can’t you Klaus? How embarrassing. Sometimes I am too vague for my own good. Hahaha.
      And yes, I would be rather glum after that trim too!!


  8. Oh that poor cat! I wonder if it’s cold, in parts…

    A very curious dream. In demand – that HAS to be a good omen 🙂 I wish I could remember my dreams.


    1. I didn’t think of that but I am sure certain parts of the cat are rather ‘cold’ so to speak. That is too funny.

      I have no idea what the dream is but maybe in demand is a good thing. So nice of you to visit, WordsFallFromMy Eyes. Nice to meet you!


  9. What a great dream … it’s funny the things are imaginations come up with while we sleep … and then of course end up observing the world in a different way the next day.

    Haha, that poor cat – he does look rather unhappy about his furry boots. 😉


    1. What gets me with dreams sometimes is how complicated they are. I woke up from that sleep feeling exhausted. Whew. The cat really is a classic!


  10. What a funny dream! Looking at all those tall buildings makes my knees turn to water just thinking about hanging off the side of one. I lik clean windows but not so bad I’d do THAT for a living lol!

    That poor poor cat…how humiliating, he looks like he KNOWS what he looks like and is NOT impressed!


    1. I’ve seen some of the window cleaners in the city, Cathy, and I don’t know how they do it. It must be totally nerve-wracking hanging up there. Surely someone can devise self-cleaning windows for tall buildings. Haha.
      The cat really is annoyed, isn’t he? But hey, his boots look pretty cute!!


    1. It is definitely one of the funniest cat pics I have seen lately, Meleah. Can you believe someone actually trimmed their cat like that? It’s crazy. But very funny 😆


  11. The pictures are spectacular, the thought of cleaning all those windows though makes me shake (it is my absolute worst chore in the house). The cat continues to crack me up ;D


    1. I agree, Bandsmoke. Window cleaning is one of the worst chores with all that messing about with buckets and ladders. Such a hassle.

      I will be laughing for ages about that cat. LOL.


  12. great dream. I wish I have ones like these. I’m thinking you should fake your death and change your identity and go mountain climbing or do something fun instead.


  13. I forgot to add I was talking about your dream with your superhero powers.

    I edit my comments which is quite terrible sometimes because I cut out things I shouldn’t and then I can’t change my comments. oh well.


    1. No worries, Lissa. I need a full time editing button for my comments. I’m sure a lot of people have no idea what I’m talking about. LOL. And yes, I could take my magnificent window cleaning/skyscraper climbing skills and mountain climb instead. I would be the ultimate adventurer :mrgreen:


  14. That is a great dream 🙂 I am not surprised that puss ‘n boots looks unimpressed (what were they thinking). I saw a heart made of shells in the sand on the beach this morning which made me smile (ain’t love grand – haha).


  15. My cousin used to be scared of and warn us about the “makkamandu” when she was 2-5 years old! She is 29 now. We made fun of her when we realized that she had got scared of a masked wrestler on tv and was trying to say Masked Man!


  16. OOps – sorry the previous comment is actually for “Max & the Sea Monsters” post. Damn! I dunno how this happened.

    Hmmm, Selma as a superhero. Wonder how the outfit will look like. (dreams up an outfit) oh yeah, mmmmm nice! Need a comic relief sidekick?


    1. Some of the comments have been going astray lately, Roshan. Don’t know what’s going on there. I don’t know what my outfit would be like but I would definitely have a cape. And boots. Oh yeah, gotta have the cape and boots!


      1. I’m thinking more (or less) on the Wonder Woman / Xena Warrior Princess style of outfits. Hmmm, can I get u and Meleah to wear them and pose for me? I’ll take photos and won’t charge you – honest! 😀


          1. I believe there’s to be a Comic Character festival in Adelaide this weekend. I wonder where I can get a Star Trek uniform at such short notice? 😀


            1. Have you found a Star Trek uniform yet, Travelrat? You’re going as Scotty, right? “I canna hold her, Captain…..” 😆


  17. Dreams of being a window-washing superhero sure beats my dreams of shopping for groceries while in my car. Very awkward, you know, manuevering around the meat counter without scratching or denting the doors of my car!

    Love the picture of the boats. My first spouse and I had a boat and I mentioned wanting to turn ours to face the opposite direction just to be rebelious. He looked at me and said, “it’s the tide that makes them all face the same way.” I was SO disapointed. No rebellion for me that day.


    1. I can’t type for laughing, Karen. The car in the supermarket is one of the best dreams ever. That is hilarious. It actually would make a fantastic children’s story. There is so much you could do with it. I love it!

      I feel like such an idiot with the boats and the tides. How could I not have realised that? D’oh. If I was on a pirate ship they’d make me walk the plank for not knowing that. *splash*


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