Looking To Nature

You know I’m a bit of a Nature Girl. Love my trees, in particular.

I really like this quote for the week.

Hope you have a good one….

B&W gum

“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.”

Albert Einstein

27 thoughts on “Looking To Nature

  1. Albert was a special old Asperghers, as I suspect is the old ironbark. We learn from both if we are ready. Glad to see you out and about with the camera again! XX


  2. Every once in a while it’s good for us to go back to nature. Spend some time near the trees, flowers, the woods, the animals (not the dangerous ones unless you are well protected), the rivers, the sea and the ocean. It’s a part of us and we are a part of it.


  3. I’m a tree lover too. When we put our pool everyone told us you’ll have to get rid of the trees they’ll dump leaves in the pool. They do dump leaves in the pool and flowers and sap- but I don’t care. There is nothing nicer than floating in the water staring up through the beautiful canopy of leaves. πŸ™‚


  4. I love trees too. Whenever I have time I stroll through the parks of New York to visit my favorites. I always feel they are speaking to me when the wind rustles the leaves.


  5. great quote. I like those oddly shaped trees where their branches arched in such art-like ways. also they change with the season, just like we do when we put on coats or get a tan.

    hope you have a great week!


  6. I know you’re busy with the new record bar but this is ruddiculuss πŸ˜‰ hahaha love ya heaps – if i lived near you I would be helping out – nothing much cooler than a record bar/cafe type thing with a Selma and hub and son and co. (by the way, got 6 ducks today and a duckling – will take some photos for you πŸ™‚ oh, and a silkie rooster boy for my hens for some luvin’ in the sun – if we get any sun). Take care my sweet πŸ™‚


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